

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Happy Birthday Pakistan - Happy Independence Day Pakistanis

Jashan e Azadi Mubarak (Happy Independence Day) to All Pakistani Nation today at 14th of August 2008. ALLAH (GOD) keeps blessing the PAKISTANI NATION till the END DAY!

Everyone Give Thanks to ALLAH for Great PAKISTAN

Quaid e Azam and Fatima Jinnah

QUAID-E-AZAM Evidently the Most Prominent Among All the Nation Builders with his Great Sister Fatima Jinnah

Quaid e Azam

"We are a nation", they claimed in the ever eloquent words of the Quaid-i-Azam- "We are a nation with our own distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature, sense of values and proportion, legal laws and moral code, customs and calendar, history and tradition, aptitudes and ambitions; in short, we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life. By all canons of international law, we are a nation". The formulation of the Muslim demand for Pakistan in 1940 had a tremendous impact on the nature and course of Indian politics. On the one hand, it shattered for ever the Hindu dreams of a pseudo-Indian, in fact, Hindu empire on British exit from India: on the other, it heralded an era of Islamic renaissance and creativity in which the Indian Muslims were to be active participants. The Hindu reaction was quick, bitter, and malicious.

Equally hostile were the British to the Muslim demand, their hostility having stemmed from their belief that the unity of India was their main achievement and their foremost contribution. The irony was that both the Hindus and the British had not anticipated the astonishingly tremendous response that the Pakistan demand had elicited from the Muslim masses. Above all, they failed to realize how a hundred million people had suddenly become supremely conscious of their distinct nationhood and their high destiny. In channeling the course of Muslim politics towards Pakistan, no less than in directing it towards its consummation in the establishment of Pakistan in 1947, non played a more decisive role than did Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. It was his powerful advocacy of the case of Pakistan and his remarkable strategy in the delicate negotiations that followed the formulation of the Pakistan demand, particularly in the post-war period, that made Pakistan inevitable.

Pakistani Flag

World’s Largest Flag (340 x 610)

Pakistani flag on baby Face

Notice the LOVE and Patriotism for Nation on his Innocent Face

Girls with Pakistani Flag

Ceremonies are taking place across Pakistan as the nation celebrates 61 years since the end of British colonial rule.


A man wearing a garment with Pakistani colours and the words "Long live Pakistan" raised the flag at the crossing.

Girls with Pakistani flags on faces

Most beautiful School girls with the Pakistani flags all around their faces.

Pakistani Girl with Flag on Face

This girl with flags painted on her face was among the crowds watching the festivities.

Pakistani Girl Flag

She is too happy with Pakistani Flags, watching the festivities and saying “I LOVE YOU PAKISTAN”

Car in Britain with Pakistani Flag

Car with Pakistani Flag on the hood, passing through British roads, showing the LOVE for PAKISTAN and realizing the British rulers that We The NATION are now strong, Powerful and Emerging in the world.

Indian Prisoners Released by Pakistan

On the eve of independence, Pakistan sent home 134 Indian prisoners on last independence day and will release 35 Indians today, who had crossed the border illegally.

When I complete this post and was just about to hit the publish button, I heard the news that a bomb blast in LAHORE and 5 policemen killed and around 20 other people are feared wounded. It was reported a suicide bomb blast by the witness and the attacker was on bike. May GOD Bless this nation and give protection from the inner and outter enemies. It just make me sad and my excitement about this special independence day post fell down.

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