Monday, August 24, 2009
FOREX trading
Trade Binary Options as a Hedging Strategy for Forex Trading
Posted by Shawn on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 · Leave a Comment
Forex traders often encounter failure of their strategies in the dreaded stop-loss zone. This zone, adjacent to the breakout point, is the fuzzy area where we Forex traders often place stops to protect ourselves from further losses. Each Forex trader who trade options uses different rules for his stop loss point. Usually this is slightly above or below the breakout point. But as we have all experienced, the problem is that a breakout often tests the breakout price, sometimes dropping slightly below the breakout price, ’shaking us out’ of our trade. Therefore the stop-loss point becomes fuzzy, forcing us to choose lower and lower stop-loss points, and wearing us out each time we re-enter the same breakout point.
Trade Binary Options using Binary Hedging Strategy
One attractive possibility is to hedge our Forex trade using a binary option hedge. This is actually much simpler than it sounds. What it actually does is shift our risk from the stop-loss zone to the area above the breakout point, where the prices are more likely to rise and where the breakout is less likely to fail due to the properties of trader momentum.
* Here we outline one such hedging strategy, using binary options trading to hedge against our Forex trades.
In this example, i place a trade of 1 mini lot EURUSD long, when its price crosses my breakout point of $1.00. Should the EURUSD test my breakout point before i exit this trade, i will place a $100 PUT binary option trade. What this does is shift my original breakout point lower, similar to a stop-loss, such that i am profitable as long as a test of the original EURUSD breakout point does not leave my Forex account with greater than a $70 loss. If I incur more than a $70 loss in my Forex account, then I immediately exit the EURUSD position.
* This has effectively shifted the risk of breakout failure from the below the breakout point to above the breakout point. The attractive feature of this hedging strategy is that most breakouts are often tested slightly the below breakout point. Using this hedging strategy we protect ourselves in the area below the breakout point rather then get worn out using a stop-loss that is lower than the breakout point, which is the common Forex trader practice. And the best part of this strategy is that the risk has been shifted to the area above the breakout point (our Forex trade must make at least $85 profit in order to cover the binary option loss). However we know that as long as the breakout has not failed, we will more than likely cover this hedge. Remember, the breakout is most likely to fail BELOW the breakout point, but now we are covered.
About the author: Jack Major is currently the Chief Risk Management Office of, managing Risk and Strategies for all major market instruments. Previous to TradeSmarter, Jack was a senior consultant for many years for PricewaterhouseCoopers Global Risk Management Solutions division.
FOREX trading
Forex Trading | ForexGen
by: forexgenpivot Keywords: forexgen, forex, online, option, trading, online, forex, broker, forex, information, global, forex, forex, factory, forex, stock, trading, forex
In FOREX trading, there are six major reasons traders lose money. If you can avoid these pitfalls then you can join the minority of winners that pile up the big profits consistently.
Here are the trading traps that will cause you to lose money:
1. The Contrarian’s DiseaseYou should have a contrary opinion to the other Forex traders in the market – most traders lose money, so you want to trade in opposition to the herd.
Most traders lose because they lack discipline and money management - but they’re very often right about market direction. It’s the trader’s inability to maximise these opportunities when they’re trading the FOREX - and stay with the trend, that makes them lose money.
Many traders are looking to pick tops and bottoms, and never focus on trend following. Picking tops and bottoms is impossible. You can’t predict the turning points in FOREX trading - so you need to change your focus to trend following, not prediction.
2. The Chartists Trap
In FOREX trading many traders fall into the trap of putting all their efforts into studying charts. Studying charts is important - but you must not be too subjective, or you will end up losing.
Avoid methods that need too much subjective analysis, such as Elliot Wave and cycles - and gravitate towards indicators that define trends - such as moving averages and momentum oscillators.
Be objective and not subjective in your FOREX trading.
3. Ego
FOREX trading attracts some of the cleverest people in the world, these traders are smart - but they also have big egos. An ego is a bad trait in FOREX trading - as it means you always want to see the market, as you want to see it - and not how it really is.
Traders need to ask themselves this question: Do you want to make money or feel smart? The market won’t accommodate both of these desires – if you want to make money, leave your ego behind.
The humble trader who has an objective and disciplined FOREX trading plan, realizes the market can make him (and everyone else) look stupid. However, he’s only interested in making money, and he’ll generally out perform an ego filled trader, who wants to beat the market.
4. Guru Syndrome
When you’re trading in the FOREX market, it’s tempting to follow someone who’s made money - or says they have.
It’s a fact that most traders want success given to them by someone else, and these traders can’t take responsibility for their own actions.
In the game of FOREX trading, the only way to succeed is on your own - if you can’t accept this, then do something else.
5. Chasing your Tail
Many traders get impatient when FOREX trading - they start trading using one method, get frustrated with it when it’s not performing - they then switch to a different method, and so on.
Bad periods are normally followed by good trading results (if you’re using a soundly based system) - so patience and discipline are needed. By frequently chopping and changing systems, you’ll lose money.
If you have a trading plan that you believe in, then stick with it - and stop chasing your tail. Stay focused, and be patient with your system.
6. Using Options Incorrectly
When you’re FOREX trading, using options gives you staying power - and limited risk, which makes options a great trading tool.
Many traders use options incorrectly - they focus on buying options with small time value, and that are way out of the money. This is a guaranteed way to lose money when options trading! What you need to do is focus on buying options, at or in the money - with lots of time value - also use spreads to increase your chances of success.
In conclusion - Don’t try and be too smart - the above pitfalls are made by some of the brightest traders around. In most cases these mistakes come from thinking you have to be clever, or use complicated methods to succeed - however the reverse is true.
Keep your method simple, keep your focus, accept responsibility for your actions, and accept that the market will make you look stupid at times – it does it to everyone!
If you watch out for the six pitfalls outlined above, you’ll be able to make big long-term profits - and that’s the ONLY goal in FOREX trading.
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Aug 31, 2008 at 15:16 o\clock
Introduction To Forex Trading | ForexGen
by: forexgenpivot Keywords: forexgen, trading, forex, broker, online, forex, trading, forex, market, forex, trading, software, forex, trading, system, forex, trade, forex
There are many markets: markets for stocks, futures, options and currencies. These are probably the most accessible markets for everyday traders like you and I. People easily understand the basics of trading shares. I began trading shares first and then I moved on to trading currencies.If you do not know a lot about currency trading, allow me to introduce it to you. It is what I trade and I believe that it is one of the best markets to trade because of its efficiency. The transaction costs to execute a trade are minimal and most brokers provide you with the tools and data you need to make your trading decisions, they usually provide them for free.
The market is open 24 hours a day which allows you to design your trading hours around your daily commitments. It is very volatile, which is great for those people who are looking for day-trading opportunities.
The foreign exchange market is the market in which currencies are bought and sold against one another. People may loosely refer to this market under different labels, including foreign exchange market, forex market, fx market or the currency market.
The foreign exchange market is the largest market in the world, with daily trading volumes in excess of $1.5 trillion US dollars. All transactions involving international trade and investment must go through this market because these transactions involve the exchange of currencies.
It is the most perfect market that exists because it has a large number of buyers and sellers all selling the same products. There is a free flow of information and there are little barriers to participate.
The currency exchange market is an over-the-counter (OTC) market which means that there is not one specific location where buyers and sellers can actually meet to exchange currencies. Instead, transactions are conducted by phone, fax, e-mail or through the websites of brokers who specialize in currency trading.
The major dealing centers at the time of writing are: London , with about 30% of the market, New York , with 20%, Tokyo , with 12%, Zurich , Frankfurt, Hong Kong and Singapore , with about 7% each, followed by Paris and Sydney with 3% each. Because of the fact that these centers are all over the world, foreign exchange traders can execute transactions 24 hours a day. The market only closes on the weekends.
The five broad categories of participants are: consumers, businesses, investors, speculators, commercial banks, investment banks and central banks.
Consumers, including visitors of countries, tourists and immigrants, do need to exchange currencies when they travel so that they can buy local goods and services. These participants do not have the power to set prices. They just buy and sell according to the prevailing exchange rate. They make up a significant proportion of the volume being traded in the market.
Businesses that import and export goods and services need to exchange currencies to receive or make payments for goods they may have bought or services they may have rendered.
Investors and speculators require currencies to buy and sell investment instruments such as shares, bonds, bank deposits or real estate.
Large commercial and investment banks are the ‘price makers’. They are the ones who buy and sell currencies at the bid-and-offer exchange rates that they declare through their foreign exchange dealers.
Commercial banks deal with customers on one hand, and with the Interbank or other banks, on the other hand. They profit by utilizing the bid-and-offer spread. The bid price is the exchange rate that the buyer is willing to buy and the offer price is the exchange rate at which the seller is willing to sell. The difference is called the bid-offer spread. They also make profits from speculating about whether the exchange rate will rise or fall.
Central banks participate in the foreign exchange market in their effective duty as banks for their particular government. They trade currencies not for the intention of making profits but rather to facilitate government monetary policies and to help smoothen out the fluctuation of the value of their economy’s currency.
You can trade any country’s currency by exchanging it to another country’s currency, however the list below are the ones that are the most popular and are usually made available by most online brokers for you to trade.
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Aug 31, 2008 at 15:11 o\clock
FOREX Trading Strategy | ForexGen
by: forexgenpivot Keywords: forexgen, client, easily, manage, mostly, orders, quotes, trader, within, forex, types, using, mode, news, user, whom, cfd, forex, forex
I ventured into the FOREX market a little more than 1 year ago. I have tried and tested many different types of trading techniques and styles. Most were failures and some were successful. From my experience, traders making money in FOREX will not reveal their trading system, simply because somebody has to lose money in order for you to make money.Currently I have two strategies working for me. I started with a demo account a little more than one year ago and used the obvious techniques such as technical analysis and fundamentals. Technical analysis seemed to be the easiest method for an inexperienced trader since it only required looking at charts as opposed to watching the news. I used indicators such as MACD, Fibonacci, and RSI to help assess the market and make a prediction on price movement. Needless to say I was successful in my demo account, however when I went live, fear set in and I could not trade using the same techniques I had developed over 4 months of trading with a demo account.
The stress was too much and like a lot of people, I started looking for a FOREX signals provider to minimize the time spent and stress. After some due diligence on quite a few FOREX signals providers, I did find a reliable FOREX charting software package that provided excellent signals. To my surprise, the signals worked. The only difficult part was to discipline myself to take each signal whether I agreed with it or not. After all, the company I chose had a winning track record for 3 consecutive years.
Now that I had a positive flow of income from a FOREX signals provider, I decided to open a second account using my own trading system. This is where I discovered what I feel is a full proof system when it comes to making a fast 30 to 50 pips in FOREX.
Trading now for a little more than 1 year, I noticed that the market moved on speculation. Speculation based on fear and news events, such as the CPI and retail sales. I noticed that between the times of 4:30 am eastern and 8:30 am there was a lot of critical news in majors such as the Euro and the British Pound. The market would move at the exact moment these major news events were released. If a news event was due out at 4:30 am on the British Pound, more than likely the market spiked at that exact moment 30 to sometimes 50 pips up or down. What I started to do was trade on these news events. I would wait until that exact moment the news was due out and execute a trade when the market moved more than 7 pips from its current price 15 seconds before the news is released. A stop-loss should be set at 10 pips above or below the current price.
The trick to this method is executing the trade at the right time and discipline yourself to keep your stop-loss very tight, setting it to no more than 10 pips after you got into the trade. The reason being, this works all of the time, but if you click too soon or too late you could fail to predict the direction of the market. However, when you are right, your winning trades will outweigh your losing traders significantly since you are looking to make a gain of 30-50 pips and if you a wrong a loss of only 10 pips. I have used this method for 5 months and it works.
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Global Forex Trading
When looking for the best automated Forex trading systems, a strong contender is the one enclosed and don’t think because its free it doesn’t work - it does and has for over 20 years…
automated Forex trading systemsThere is no question Forex trading systems have a bad reputation and this is down to the numerous junk robots that are sold with track records that are simply back tests and not proven. The system we are going to look at here on the other hand has been used by savvy traders around the world for years and works.
The system we are going to look at is the 4 Week Rule and it was devised by one of the great traders Richard Donchian and since the late seventies it’s been at the heart of some of the top traders systems - even trading legend Richard Dennis was a fan so you know your in good company.
The system is incredibly simple and you don’t even need a computer to run it - it has one simple rule, so lets look at it.
Buy a new 4 week high and reverse the position when a new 4 week low is hit - keep buying the 4 week high and selling the 4 week low and always maintain a position in the market.
You can’t get much more simple than that and but if you think about the logic it’s soundly based.
1. it’s a very simple breakout system and it’s a fact that most major trends start from breaks to new market highs or lows.
2. By its very nature its long term and if you look at a Forex chart, you will see the big trends can last many months or longer.
3. This system as it is always in the market so is guaranteed to put you on the side of every big trend.
It’s also got some other great advantages, it’s quick to implement about 15 minutes a day max and gives you a set trading signal with no subjective judgement needed.
Despite the fact it works and will continue to work most traders won’t bother with it and here are the reasons why.
1. They think its to simple despite the fact it works
2. They want to buy tops and bottoms exactly, despite the fact you can’t do this
3. Its to long term and traders always like action and lack the discipline to hold long term trends
4. It’s not complex - traders think this increases chances of success but of course the opposite is true - simple systems are more robust.
5. It’s not based on fancy theories chaos, neural networks, artificial intelligence etc - these theories don’t work in Forex but again traders love them.
6. There is no fancy packaging or a ridiculous name that insinuates taking on and beating the market.
Most traders pick junk robots with simulated track records and fall for the hype. This automated Forex trading system has no hype but plenty of profits and I know which system I would rather have!
The system works and will continue to work and if you are interested in long term profits take a look at it and it can increase your chances of forex trading success.
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forex market
Global ForexThe Forex Market has 46 currency pairs on a conservative estimate. Telling you that you would need to keep an eye on developments on all the countries of the globe would be asking too much of you. For starters, you could keep an eye on developments of the countries whose currencies who have invested in the Forex Market. Look for economic and political developments that could create a stir in the forex market.
Why monitoring the political and economic scenarios of countries are important to global Forex trading?
As it has been observed statistically, the value of currency of a country changes a lot due to the economic and political climate of the country. For example, the Federal Rate cuts on Interest rates aimed at controlling the sub-prime crisis in USA increased the value of the US Dollar. Don’t get carried away of you get a cue from one such indicator. Please make a list of all such factors that would impact a currency in the Forex Trading Market.
A long pending factor to a currency movement is the price of crude oil per barrel. As the price of crude oil inches towards $100 per barrel, the US Dollar is inching towards new lows by the day. In such a scenario, you would think that the US Dollar could be undermined severely.
The sentiments of traders across the globe should also be considered
It is important that you stay updated with other traders of the forex market too. At the end of the day, traders and the developments in a country impact the pricing of a currency at 50:50 ratio. A classic example of this is the rebound of US Dollar. It has been observed that the Dollar has hit new lows almost every other day of the trading. Last week, a lot of people realized that the Dollar has much more potential than what it shows. This triggered widespread buying of the Dollar.
How would all this impact you as a trader?
Let’s take the example of EUR/USD. Let us assume that you had bought some USD two months ago when it was getting battered. Now with the correction taking place, you are more or less in a position to decide if you wish to stay in the market or exit booking your profits. The correction trend is expected to continue to till the new year after which the forecast for the Dollar looks a bit bleak.
Ideally, a smart trader would book his profits partly on the resounding correction of the US Dollar. He would keep a part of the money invested in the market to see how the Dollar behaves. The point being made here is that your eye on the economic developments of the country could be the best indicator for you to analyze your buy and sell points in the trade.
Which factors to be considered in forex trading?
Growth, Inflation, Crude Oil Prices – are three important factors in no order of priority would need to be taken into count when you make a sell or a buy call in a currency. Please note that there is no direct correlation between these three but all these impact the movement of a currency.
Successful Forex trading is about how you look at the developments of a country. Taking macro and micro economic factors into consideration will make you a smart trader instead of a speculative trader. As it goes, the speculative trader may make a lot of money but will also lose a lot of
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Pakistan - Happy Independence Day Pakistanis
Jashan e Azadi Mubarak (Happy Independence Day) to All Pakistani Nation today at 14th of August 2008. ALLAH (GOD) keeps blessing the PAKISTANI NATION till the END DAY!
Everyone Give Thanks to ALLAH for Great PAKISTAN
Quaid e Azam and Fatima Jinnah
QUAID-E-AZAM Evidently the Most Prominent Among All the Nation Builders with his Great Sister Fatima Jinnah
Quaid e Azam
"We are a nation", they claimed in the ever eloquent words of the Quaid-i-Azam- "We are a nation with our own distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature, sense of values and proportion, legal laws and moral code, customs and calendar, history and tradition, aptitudes and ambitions; in short, we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life. By all canons of international law, we are a nation". The formulation of the Muslim demand for Pakistan in 1940 had a tremendous impact on the nature and course of Indian politics. On the one hand, it shattered for ever the Hindu dreams of a pseudo-Indian, in fact, Hindu empire on British exit from India: on the other, it heralded an era of Islamic renaissance and creativity in which the Indian Muslims were to be active participants. The Hindu reaction was quick, bitter, and malicious.
Equally hostile were the British to the Muslim demand, their hostility having stemmed from their belief that the unity of India was their main achievement and their foremost contribution. The irony was that both the Hindus and the British had not anticipated the astonishingly tremendous response that the Pakistan demand had elicited from the Muslim masses. Above all, they failed to realize how a hundred million people had suddenly become supremely conscious of their distinct nationhood and their high destiny. In channeling the course of Muslim politics towards Pakistan, no less than in directing it towards its consummation in the establishment of Pakistan in 1947, non played a more decisive role than did Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. It was his powerful advocacy of the case of Pakistan and his remarkable strategy in the delicate negotiations that followed the formulation of the Pakistan demand, particularly in the post-war period, that made Pakistan inevitable.
Pakistani Flag
World’s Largest Flag (340 x 610)
Pakistani flag on baby Face
Notice the LOVE and Patriotism for Nation on his Innocent Face
Girls with Pakistani Flag
Ceremonies are taking place across Pakistan as the nation celebrates 61 years since the end of British colonial rule.
A man wearing a garment with Pakistani colours and the words "Long live Pakistan" raised the flag at the crossing.
Girls with Pakistani flags on faces
Most beautiful School girls with the Pakistani flags all around their faces.
Pakistani Girl with Flag on Face
This girl with flags painted on her face was among the crowds watching the festivities.
Pakistani Girl Flag
She is too happy with Pakistani Flags, watching the festivities and saying “I LOVE YOU PAKISTAN”
Car in Britain with Pakistani Flag
Car with Pakistani Flag on the hood, passing through British roads, showing the LOVE for PAKISTAN and realizing the British rulers that We The NATION are now strong, Powerful and Emerging in the world.
Indian Prisoners Released by Pakistan
On the eve of independence, Pakistan sent home 134 Indian prisoners on last independence day and will release 35 Indians today, who had crossed the border illegally.
When I complete this post and was just about to hit the publish button, I heard the news that a bomb blast in LAHORE and 5 policemen killed and around 20 other people are feared wounded. It was reported a suicide bomb blast by the witness and the attacker was on bike. May GOD Bless this nation and give protection from the inner and outter enemies. It just make me sad and my excitement about this special independence day post fell down.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
14 August *Birthday of Pakistan
The Partition of India (Hindustani: हिन्दुस्तान की तक़्सीम, ہندوستان کی تقسیم Hindustān kī
…:::Beautiful Wallpapers For 14 August:::…
01/08/2009 at 08:47 (Pictures) (14 August, Beautiful, Beautiful Pictures, Jashan-e-azadi, Pak Watan, Pakistan, Pakistani Wallpapers, Pictures, Wallpapers)
8 Taqsīm) was the partition of British India that led to the creation, on August 14, 1947 and August 15, 1947, respectively, of the sovereign states of the Dominion of Pakistan (later Islamic Republic of Pakistan and People's Republic of Bangladesh) and the Union of India (later Republic of India). The partition of India included the geographical division of the Bengal province of British India into East Pakistan and West Bengal (India), and the similar partition of the Punjab province into West Punjab (later Punjab (Pakistan) and Islamabad Capital Territory) and East Punjab (later Punjab (India), Haryana and Himachal Pradesh), and also the division of other assets, including the British Indian Army, the Indian Civil Service and other administrative services, the Indian railways, and the central treasury. The partition was promulgated in the Indian Independence Act 1947 and resulted in the dissolution of the British Indian Empire.
In the aftermath of Partition, the princely states of India, which had been left by the Indian Independence Act 1947 to choose whether to accede to India or Pakistan or to remain outside them,[1] were all incorporated into one or other of the new dominions. The question of the choice to be made in this connection by Jammu and Kashmir led to the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 and other wars and conflicts between India and Pakistan.[2]
The secession of Bangladesh from Pakistan in 1971 is not covered by the term Partition of India, nor is the earlier separation of Burma from the administration of British India, or the earlier separation of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Ceylon, part of the Madras Presidency of British India from 1795 until 1798, became a separate Crown Colony in 1798. Burma, gradually annexed by the British during 1826–86 and governed as a part of the British Indian administration until 1937, was directly administered thereafter. [3] Burma was granted independence on January 4, 1948 and Ceylon on February 4, 1948. (See History of Sri Lanka and History of Burma) The Kingdom of Sikkim was established as a princely state after the Anglo-Sikkimese Treaty of 1861, however, the issue of sovereignty was left undefined.[4] In 1947, Sikkim became an independent kingdom under the suzerainty of India and remained so until 1975 when it was absorbed into India as the 22nd state.
The remaining countries of present-day South Asia are Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives. The first two, Nepal and Bhutan, having signed treaties with the British designating them as independent states, were never a part of British India, and therefore their borders were not affected by the partition.[5] The Maldives, which became a protectorate of the British crown in 1887 and gained its independence in 1965, was also unaffected by the partition.
The partition displaced up to 12.5 million people in the former British Indian Empire with estimates of loss of life varying from several hundred thousand to a million.[6]
…:::Beautiful Wallpapers For 14 August:::…
01/08/2009 at 08:47 (Pictures) (14 August, Beautiful, Beautiful Pictures, Jashan-e-azadi, Pak Watan, Pakistan, Pakistani Wallpapers, Pictures, Wallpapers)
8 Taqsīm) was the partition of British India that led to the creation, on August 14, 1947 and August 15, 1947, respectively, of the sovereign states of the Dominion of Pakistan (later Islamic Republic of Pakistan and People's Republic of Bangladesh) and the Union of India (later Republic of India). The partition of India included the geographical division of the Bengal province of British India into East Pakistan and West Bengal (India), and the similar partition of the Punjab province into West Punjab (later Punjab (Pakistan) and Islamabad Capital Territory) and East Punjab (later Punjab (India), Haryana and Himachal Pradesh), and also the division of other assets, including the British Indian Army, the Indian Civil Service and other administrative services, the Indian railways, and the central treasury. The partition was promulgated in the Indian Independence Act 1947 and resulted in the dissolution of the British Indian Empire.
In the aftermath of Partition, the princely states of India, which had been left by the Indian Independence Act 1947 to choose whether to accede to India or Pakistan or to remain outside them,[1] were all incorporated into one or other of the new dominions. The question of the choice to be made in this connection by Jammu and Kashmir led to the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 and other wars and conflicts between India and Pakistan.[2]
The secession of Bangladesh from Pakistan in 1971 is not covered by the term Partition of India, nor is the earlier separation of Burma from the administration of British India, or the earlier separation of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Ceylon, part of the Madras Presidency of British India from 1795 until 1798, became a separate Crown Colony in 1798. Burma, gradually annexed by the British during 1826–86 and governed as a part of the British Indian administration until 1937, was directly administered thereafter. [3] Burma was granted independence on January 4, 1948 and Ceylon on February 4, 1948. (See History of Sri Lanka and History of Burma) The Kingdom of Sikkim was established as a princely state after the Anglo-Sikkimese Treaty of 1861, however, the issue of sovereignty was left undefined.[4] In 1947, Sikkim became an independent kingdom under the suzerainty of India and remained so until 1975 when it was absorbed into India as the 22nd state.
The remaining countries of present-day South Asia are Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives. The first two, Nepal and Bhutan, having signed treaties with the British designating them as independent states, were never a part of British India, and therefore their borders were not affected by the partition.[5] The Maldives, which became a protectorate of the British crown in 1887 and gained its independence in 1965, was also unaffected by the partition.
The partition displaced up to 12.5 million people in the former British Indian Empire with estimates of loss of life varying from several hundred thousand to a million.[6]
pakistan 14 august
Emaar Pakistan
0 comments Published by AK on 30 March 2008
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Top-Rate Attrachtion:
1. Wagah Border Badshahi Mosque
2. Jehangir's Tomb & Kamran's Baradari Pavilion
3. Fort and Shalamar Gardens
4. Anarkali's Tomb
5. Lahore Museum
6. Hafeez Center
7. University of Engineering and Technology Lahore
8. AL-Hammra Art Centre
9. Ali Hajvery's Tomb
Top-Rated Hotels
Mirage Hotel & Banquet Hall
Pearl Continental Lahore
Avari Hotel Lahore
National Hotel, Lahore
Holiday Inn Lahore
The Residency Hotel
Windmills Hotel
Sunfort Hotel
Quick Continental Hotel
Hotel Elites
Links below:
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Pakistan: Failed State by 2015
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CIA details at
by Soj
Tue Feb 15, 2005 at 11:44:49 AM PDT
Forecasting a "Yugoslavia-like fate" for Pakistan, the US National Intelligence Council (NIC) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in a jointly prepared Global Futures Assessment Report have said "by year 2015 Pakistan would be a failed state, ripe with civil war, bloodshed, inter-provincial rivalries and a struggle for control of its nuclear weapons and complete Talibanisation".
"Pakistan will not recover easily from decades of political and economic mismanagement, divisive policies, lawlessness, corruption and ethnic friction," said the report quoted by former Pakistan High Commissioner to United Kingdom Wajid Shamsul Hasan in an article in the 'South Asia Tribune'.
Read full story at
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What will be left of Pakistan In 3006 (a must read)!!!
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Pakistan In 3006
Year: 3006
Two Top American Executives at IBM , USA
Alex: Hi John. You didn't come to work yesterday
John: Yeah. I was at the Pakistani Embassy trying to get my visa.
Alex: Oh, really? What happened? I've heard that these days they have become very strict.
John: Yeah, but I managed to get it.
Alex: How long did it take to get it stamped?
John: Man, it was a long queue. Bill Gates was waiting in front of me and they really gave him a hard time. The poor guy even brought the property papers for his house in Seattle to show them that he will return to USA . I went there at 4:00 a.m. to get in the queue and there were tons of people ahead of me.
to read full click on below link ->
Labels: Articles, Jokes
Pakistan Real Estate
0 comments Published by AK on 28 March 2008
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Pakistan Currency March 2008
0 comments Published by AK on 27 March 2008
KKI'S Currency Notes
* Australian Dollar - 57.95
* Bahrain Dinar - 166.25
* Canadian Dollar - 61.5
* China Yuan - 9
* Danish Krone - 13.3
* Euro - 99.2
* Hong Kong Dollar - 8.05
* Indian Rupee - 1.6
* Japanese Yen - 0.628
* Kuwaiti Dinar - 234
* Malaysian Ringgit - 19.9
* NewZealand $ - 50.45
* Norwegians Krone - 12.35
* Omani Riyal - 162.9
* Qatari Riyal - 17.28
* Saudi Riyal - 16.77
* Singapore Dollar - 45.4
* Swedish Korona - 10.52
* Swiss Franc - 62.85
* Thai Bhat - 1.95
* U.A.E Dirham - 17.15
* UK Pound Sterling - 126.9
* US Dollar - 63.12
Labels: Info
Not just surviving but thriving
0 comments Published by AK on 23 March 2008
has endured a number of challenges in the recent past — high inflation, insurgency and the assassination of popular political leader Benazir Bhutto being just a few. However, hope is a common denominator among its people. They believe that Pakistan will survive and thrive despite difficult times. February's parliamentary elections were an important step in that direction.
Keys to growth
According to the report, Pakistan has been experiencing the longest spell of strong growth in years. Mansoor Ahmad Bajwa, Commercial Counsellor in Dubai, says that the commodity-producing sectors' (agriculture and industry) contribution was a key driver of growth last year. According to the report, agriculture contributed 15 per cent to real GDP growth while industry's input was 25 per cent. The services sectors contributed the remaining 60 per cent. Per capita income, an important benchmark for economic progress, grew by 11 per cent in 2006-07 to $925 (about Dh3,397), which were an increase from $833 (about Dh3,059) in 2005-06. Acceleration in real GDP growth, a stable exchange rate, and a five-fold increase in the inflow of workers' remittances, which was approximately $5.5 million (about Dh20.19 million) in 2005-06, contributed to the rise in per capitaincome.
Bajwa says that the country's good economic performance was a result of sound economic policies, on-going structural reforms and a favourable international economic environment. According to the economic survey report, growth was also driven by strong domestic demand. Another positive factor was the steep rise in investment, especially private investment which was high despite strong consumer demand.
The privatisation drive, especially in sectors such as banking, telecom, oil and gas and steel, has also helped push the economy (see box for more statistics). The flow of foreign direct investment (FDI), in particular, also reflects Pakistan's growing profile as an attractive destination for international investors. Foreign direct investment was seen in areas such as telecom, energy, banking and finance and food and beverages.
In the fiscal year ending June 2007, the country attracted FDI worth $5.12 billion (about Dh18.8 billion) — a 46 per cent increase over the year earlier, says Bajwa. He says that during the first four months of the current fiscal year, Pakistan managed to attract FDI worth $1.23 billion (about Dh4.51 billion), an increase of almost four per cent.
The government has also announced a number of incentives for foreign investors, including setting up special economic zones, a five year tax exemption and duty free import of machinery.
The banking sector is also a major beneficiary of the country's economic transformation. "Mergers and acquisitions of local institutions by foreign banks include Standard Chartered Bank's purchase of an 80.86 per cent interest in Union Bank (the country's eighth largest bank in terms of market share) for $413 million (about Dh1.51 billion). Further, enormous profits in recent years have attracted more foreign banks to Pakistan and local entrepreneurs to step into this sector," he says.
Poverty, a serious issue in Pakistan, has also been reduced by economic growth, high levels of remittances and social development and poverty related programmes. According to the finance ministry's report, Rs2,217 billion (about Dh130.3 billion) was spent on these programmes from 2001-02 to 2006-07.
At the national level, the count of poor people fell from 49.23 million in 2001 to 36.45 million in 2004-05. Rural poverty declined by 11.13 per cent while urban poverty fell by 7.75 per cent.
However, the gap between the rich and poor segments of society is still a bone of contention, especially with the growth in population and the resulting pressure on resources.
Labels: Articles, News Views
Innovation Creates Success - Be Innovative
0 comments Published by AK on
"Innovation . . . is generally understood as the successful introduction of a new thing or method . . . Innovation is the embodiment, combination, or synthesis of knowledge in original, relevant, valued new products, processes, or services"
If a company is to truly hit the spot with innovation time and again with any consistency and wishes to achieve profitable growth and create an advantage, it must do three things.
First, it must understand the people it is trying to serve as the individuals they are -- apart from any connection or interaction with the company.
That is, it must be able to temporarily forget and let go of its current business, strategies, products and brands as it observes how people (not just customers and potential customers) go about their daily routines. It must understand their behaviors in context, and develop a deep, inner conviction of the changing outer world -- an objective view of how changes in people's ecosystem of life affect that behavior.
Second, it must know how to go beyond its own perimeters of products, markets, and competencies; let go and challenge the assumptions, common practices and golden rules of doing business still held today: and go beyond what it has learned from consumers.
Only then can it conceive of entirely new opportunities by innovating across those people's behaviors -- as Apple has done across the changing ways of how consumers buy and listen to music. It must know how to define the spaces of greatest opportunity that nobody has yet even imagined.
Third, it must see itself "from the outside in" and formulate strategies around people's behaviors, not just seek to satisfy consumer needs and wants or customer requirements. It must execute activation plans that engage consumers and seamlessly fit all kinds of innovations into peoples' and consumers' behaviors -- or a customer company's work processes -- so that the people absorb and assimilate them.
"All innovation begins with creative ideas . . . We define innovation as the successful implementation of creative ideas within an organization. In this view, creativity by individuals and teams is a starting point for innovation; the first is necessary but not sufficient condition for the second".
It must create transformational life experiences, not just communicate features and benefits. Only then can companies spot and consistently and successfully bring to market winning innovations, achieve profitable new growth, and reinvent their business for the future. This is not easy. But it need not be terribly difficult. The right instinct already exists in most companies. We are, after all, customers and consumers -- people -- ourselves. As our examples will show, managers must learn to protect and direct that instinct to lead, and embed it in the organization, despite, and along with, the nature and ever-growing complexities of business.
"Innovation, like many business functions, is a management process that requires specific tools, rules, and discipline."
Labels: Articles
HAPPY 23rd March 2008
0 comments Published by AK on
Land & peopleArea:
796,095 sq km
Population (July 2007 est.): 164.74 million
Capital: Islamabad
Languages: English is the official language and Urdu national language. Regional languages include Sindhi, Balochi, Punjabi and Pushto
GDP per capita (2007 est.): $2,600
Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC)
Head office, 22-A, Saeed Plaza, Blue Area, Jinnah Avenue,
Islamabad – 44000
Tel: +92-51-9203772
Fax: +92-51-9207427
Pakistan is situated in the western part of the Indian subcontinent, and borders Iran on the west, India in the east, Afghanistan in the north and northwest and the People's Republic of China in the northwest to northeast. A land of many splendours, Pakistan's scenery changes from coastal beaches, lagoons and mangrove swamps in the south to sandy deserts, desolate plateaus, fertile plains and dissected upland in the middle and high mountains with beautiful valleys, snow-covered peaks and glaciers in the north.
The country's terrain includes the flat Indus plain in the east, mountains in the north and northwest, Balochistan plateau in the west and desert in the south. Administratively, Pakistan is divided into four provinces (Balochistan, North West Frontier Province, Punjab and Sindh), one territory (Federally Administered Tribal Areas), and one capital territory (Islamabad Capital Territory). Its largest cities include Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi and Gujranwala.
Compiled by D. Hari NairPublished: March 23, 2008, 00:17
Labels: Info, News Views
Milad an-Nabi - 12 Rabi-e-awal
0 comments Published by AK on 20 March 2008
Labels: Images, Islamic
Politicians of pakistan in March 2008
0 comments Published by AK on 18 March 2008
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Women of Pakistan
0 comments Published by AK on
Labels: Images
Vision Of Pakistan
0 comments Published by AK on
Labels: Images
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
U.S. dollar
What rates should a graphic designer charge?
One of the questions I get asked the most by clients and other designers alike is about (surprise, surprise) money.
scuffed British coin in blue
So what is the hourly rate for a graphic designer?
Ahh, there’s the question. If you’re fresh out of college, I would say (and don’t blame me if you can’t pay off your loans) around about £9-12 ($14.50-$20) an hour.
If you’ve got a few (3 to 6) years agency experience under your belt and a nice looking portfolio I would say you should ask for £18-£25 ($30-$40) per hour.
If you’ve been hard at it for years and have a few regular clients under your belt it starts to get more complicated. You may decide to keep to an hourly rate that maybe starts at £30 ($50) an hour or more but it is more likely at this stage that you will be quoting a flat rate for jobs.
Dollar prices correct at time article was posted (see below).
Charging a flat rate for design jobs
20 dollar notes in blue
This is where the fun really begins.
Usually, I get asked how much I would charge for a brochure, a website, a poster, a flyer, a business card, a presentation, an HTML email, an advertisement, etc. In which case an amount is quoted and will be received regardless of how long the job takes to do or how much cost is incurred.
This is harder to work out than an hourly rate and after doing it for a few years you get very good at asking questions around the brief to spot potential pitfalls before they occur. Here are a few of the questions I ask:
* Is the text to be supplied? Do they have it now? Is it finalized? Do they need any help with it? Sometimes clients will provide very poorly worded or inaccurate text and will be grateful for any improvement offered but, if so, this should be factored into the price.
* How much text is there? This is a very good pointer to how big a job actually is. For example HTML emails can be relatively quick to do if there is little text and imagery, but they can be incredibly complex beasties with loads of text, links, product images and sections. Nail down the scale of the project before quoting.
* Are there any images to be supplied? Do they have excellent quality photography already or should a price for purchasing more be worked out?
* Do they have a logo? If the answer is yes and you’re doing a print job make sure they have the logo in vector format (an Illustrator EPS or AI file). If no, then they will only have the logo as a small web image which will be no good for print reproduction and somebody will have to re-make it. This is a pitfall that is always happening! Also a job with no logo will 9 times out of 10 need one and that means the cost of a new logo should go into the final price.
stack of coins in blue
Here are a few caveats or qualifications that is always good to mention when quoting for a job.
* How many options? I always specify a certain number of options will be supplied for a brochure cover, website homepage or anything that I’m designing. This is the most important stage of the project and getting it right is crucial but it’s important not to let this process drag on indefinitely. If you don’t get it right after a few goes then the project can go stale anyway. So always have a caveat of a finite number of initial options.
* How many revisions/amends? After the last design option has been finalized and you’re ready to create whatever it is you’re doing, it is only fair that the client will want to make little changes to the text and layout. However, it is always good to put a number on these.
* The extent of the job. Specify exactly at what point the job will be finished. So, for example, if it is a print job, it finishes when print ready artwork has been provided to the printer or when the printed product is delivered to the client’s premises; if it is a web job, it finishes when the site is tested and live or when a certain file has been sent to the client. It is always necessary to agree this first with the client.
General points about graphic design prices
Above all, don’t get greedy. The forces of supply and demand are hard to work against. Charge the correct and honest amount. If you’ve been working for a while you should know what the going rate is. After a while you’ll get happy clients returning to you and others contacting you having received glowing recommendations!
Australia Dollar
Australia Dollar Extends Decline as Central Bank Slashes Rates
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By Candice Zachariahs
Nov. 4 (Bloomberg) -- The Australian dollar extended declines after the Reserve Bank of Australia cut interest rates by more than economists estimated, reducing investor appetite for higher-yielding assets. New Zealand's currency also fell.
Australia's dollar slid 2.5 percent to 66.49 U.S. cents as of 4:34 p.m. in Sydney from 68.06 cents late in Asia yesterday. It traded at 67.17 cents just before the RBA announced the 0.75 percentage point cut to 5.25 percent at 2:30 p.m. The currency bought 65.41 yen from 66.34 before the decision.
``The Aussie might come under downside pressure from the bigger rate cut,'' said Besa Deda, acting chief economist and strategist at St. George Bank Ltd. in Sydney, referring to the currency by its nickname. ``Clearly, international conditions, with further signs that China is slowing, are one of the key factors for the RBA to cut rates.''
Fifteen of 16 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News forecast a 50 basis-point cut, with one predicting 25 basis points. Today's decision follows a 1 percentage point reduction last month, the bank's biggest cut since May 1992 as the economy was emerging from a recession.
New Zealand's dollar declined 0.9 percent to 58.70 U.S. cents from 59.23 cents. It bought 57.90 yen from 58.81.
Australia's currency has plunged 29 percent against the dollar over the past three months and 35 percent versus the yen after the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. froze credit markets and prompted investors to dump higher-yielding assets on concern over a global recession. New Zealand's dollar is 20 percent and 27 percent lower versus the greenback and the yen, respectively.
U.S. Stocks
The currencies also declined after stocks in the U.S. fell on the worst contraction in manufacturing since 1982 and forecasts that the sagging economy will reduce profits. About 1 billion shares changed hands on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, the slowest trading day since August. The S&P 500 lost 2.45 points, or 0.3 percent, to 966.3.
``For the Aussie to continue to recover the ground that was lost, particularly in the last couple of weeks, we would need to see stocks trading higher,'' said Robert Rennie, chief currency strategist in Sydney at Westpac Banking Corp.
New Zealand's currency also fell as the nation's commodity export price index slumped to an 18-month low in October led by beef, aluminum and wool, according to ANZ National Bank Ltd. Exports make up 30 percent of the New Zealand economy.
Australian government bonds advanced. The yield on the benchmark 1-year note dropped 39 basis points to 3.785 percent, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The yield on 90-day bank bill futures fell to 4.48 percent from 4.95 yesterday.
New Zealand's two-year swap rate, a fixed payment made to receive floating rates, declined to 6.31 percent today from 6.34 yesterday.
Living Donation
Living Donation Types
Paired Donation
A paired exchange donation consists of two kidney donor/recipient pairs whose blood types are not compatible. The two recipients trade donors so that each recipient can receive a kidney with a compatible blood type. Once the evaluations of all donors and recipients are completed, the two kidney transplant operations are scheduled to occur simultaneously. In some cases, this type of exchange has involved multiple living kidney donor/transplant candidate pairs.
Learn more about the Department of Justice Opinion Regarding Legality of Paired Kidney Donation, 3/28/07 *
Paired Donation
Reference and Publication Information RefPubInfo
The United Network for Organ Sharing is committed to providing accurate and reliable information for transplant patients. To learn more about our content authorship and review process, please read about our Editorial Board.
The content on this page was originally created on February 25, 2005 by the United Network for Organ Sharing and last modified on March 27, 2007.
This Web site is intended solely for the purpose of electronically providing the public with general health-related information and convenient access to the data resources. UNOS is not affiliated with any one product nor does UNOS assume responsibility for any error, omissions or other discrepancies.
The first successful living donor transplant was performed between 23-year-old identical twins in 1954. Doctor Joseph E. Murray and associates at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital (now Brigham and Women’s Hospital) in Boston, Massachusetts, transplanted a healthy kidney from Ronald Herrick into his twin brother, Richard, who had chronic kidney failure.
Richard went on to live an active, normal life, dying eight years later from causes unrelated to the transplant. Still alive over fifty years since the transplant, Ronald is a retired math teacher from Maine.
Reference and Publication Information RefPubInfo
The United Network for Organ Sharing is committed to providing accurate and reliable information for transplant patients. To learn more about our content authorship and review process, please read about our Editorial Board.
The content on this page was originally created on February 25, 2005 by the United Network for Organ Sharing and last modified on October 24, 2006.
This Web site is intended solely for the purpose of electronically providing the public with general health-related information and convenient access to the data resources. UNOS is not affiliated with any one product nor does UNOS assume responsibility for any error, omissions or other discrepancies.
Being a Living Donor
Informed Consent
Living Donor Consent
The consent process for any potential living donor should include, but is not limited to:
1. The assurance that the potential donor is willing to donate, free from inducement and coercion, and understands that he or she may decline to donate at any time.
2. The disclosure that the donor will receive a thorough medical and psychosocial evaluation. The medical evaluation will be conducted by a physician and/or surgeon experienced in living donation to assess and minimize risks to the potential donor post donation, which will include a screen for any evidence of occult renal and infectious disease and medical co-morbidities which may cause renal disease.
The psychosocial evaluation will be conducted by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or social worker with experience in transplantation to determine decision making capacity, screen for any pre-existing psychiatric illness, and evaluate any potential coercion.
3. A disclosure that living donor transplant programs must provide an Independent Donor Advocate (IDA) whose responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
* to promote the best interests of the potential living donor
* advocates for the rights of the potential donor
* assist the potential donor in obtaining and understanding information regarding the i) consent process, ii) evaluation process, iii) surgical procedure, and iv) benefit and need for follow-up
4. An evaluation of the potential donor’s ability to comprehend the donation process, including procedures employed for both donor and recipient and possible outcomes.
5. The provision of printed materials that explain all phases of the living donation process. Materials should be written at an appropriate reading level and provided in the potential donor’s native language. When necessary, independent interpreters should be provided to make certain the potential donor comprehends all phases of living donation and its associated risks and benefits.
6. The provision of education that discusses what remaining organ function will be left after the donation and what the impact on the donor might be.
7. The provision of sufficient time for the potential donor to reflect after consenting to donate.
8. Disclosure of alternate procedure or course of treatment of treatment for the potential donor and recipient including deceased donation. All potential donors should be informed if the intended recipient has or has not been listed for deceased donation. Pre-existing life threatening conditions of the potential recipient should be disclosed to the potential donor prior to obtaining consent.
9. Explain that a decision by the potential donor not to proceed with the donation will not be disclosed without the prior consent of the potential donor.
10. A determination that the potential donor understands that he or she will undertake risk and will receive no medical benefit from the operative procedure of donation.
11. A disclosure that the potential donor’s medical evaluation could reveal conditions that the transplant center must report to governmental authorities such as HIV or certain venereal diseases.
12. An explanation that medical information on the potential donor may not be revealed to a potential recipient unless authorized by the potential donor. If the potential donor has a condition that might harm a recipient the medical team in charge of his or her evaluation will not allow the donation to occur.
13. A specification of the medical, psychological, and financial risks associated with being a living donor. These risks may be transient or permanent and include, but are not limited to the following:
Potential Medical Risks
* potential for surgical complications including risk of donor death
* potential for decreased kidney function in kidney donors. Every kidney donor will experience a decrease in the kidney function compared to pre-donation. The amount will depend upon the potential donor’s age and history. The anticipated change in their individual kidney function is to be discussed with each donor.
* potential for organ failure and the need for a future organ transplant for the donor
* potential for other medical complications including long-term complications currently unforeseen
* scars
* pain
* fatigue
* abdominal or bowel symptoms such as bloating and nausea
* increased risk with the use of over the counter medications and supplements
Potential Psychosocial Risks
* potential for problems with body image
* possibility of post surgery depression, anxiety, or emotional distress
* possibility of transplant recipient rejection and need for re-transplantation
* possibility that the transplant recipient will have a recurrence of disease
* possibility of transplant recipient death
* potential impact of donation on the donor’s lifestyle
Potential Financial Risks
* personal expenses of travel, housing, and lost wages related to live donation might not be reimbursed; however, the potential donor should be informed that resources may be available to defray some donation-related costs
* child care costs
* possible loss of employment
* potential impact on the ability to obtain future employment
* potential impact on the ability to obtain or afford health, disability, and life insurance
* health problems experienced by living donors following donation may not be covered by the recipient’s insurance
14. Disclose that transplant centers are required to report living donor follow-up information for at least two years, so the donor should expect to the contacted by the transplant program regarding the current health status.
15. Disclose that living donor follow-up is the best method for the collection of information on the health implications of living donation.
16. Disclose that centers will specify who is responsible for the cost of follow-up care.
17. The agreement of the potential donor to commit to post-operative follow-up testing coordinated by the recipient transplant cent for a minimum of two years.
18. Disclosure that donor may not receive valuable consideration (including without limitation of monetary gain) for agreeing to be a donor. In certain cases, donors may be reimbursed for limited travel expenses and may receive subsistence assistance.
19. Disclosure that living donor follow-up is the only method for the collection of available for the collection of short-term health implications of living donation.
20. The stipulation that transplant centers will provide potential donors with both national and their center-specific outcomes from the most recent SRTR center-specific report. This information should include, but not be limited to 1-year patient and graft survival, national 1-year patient and graft survival, and notification about all Medicare outcome requirements not being met by the transplant center.
21. Disclose to all potential non-directed donors the following:
* i) the transplant program will determine who will receive the donated organ;
* ii) the transplant center will take all reasonable precautions to provide anonymity for the donor and recipient;
* iii) the transplant center should obtain a separate consent to allocate your organ to a paired donation system; and
* iv) the transplant center should disclose there is an increased risk associated with the transport of nondirected living donor organs and obtain additional consent to transplant the organ if it will not be transplanted at the recovery center.
kidney donation
Kidney Transplant
The kidneys are bean-shaped organs located near the back, just above the waist. Each kidney is about the size of a clenched fist and weighs about ¼ pound in an adult. Inside each kidney, blood moves through tiny filters called nephrons. There are about 1 million of these tiny filtering units in each kidney. Nephrons make it possible for two healthy kidneys to filter the body's entire blood supply every two minutes.
Kidneys perform several important functions:
* They regulate water. To function properly, your body must have the right amount of water. Kidneys remove excess amounts of water from the body or retain water when the body needs more.
* They produce hormones. These hormones circulate in the blood and regulate blood pressure, make red blood cells, and absorb calcium from the intestine.
* Healthy kidneys remove waste products. Minerals, such as potassium and sodium, are needed by the body's cells so they can function properly. These minerals must be kept at specific levels so the kidneys excrete excess amounts in urine. Calcium and phosphorous levels, important minerals needed for bone formation, are also regulated by the kidneys. Wastes, such as urea and creatinine, are made when the body breaks down protein, such as meat. Many waste products act like a poison if they are not removed from the body. With poor kidney function, waste products are not removed and the amount of creatinine and urea rises in the blood.
Economists at Westpac issued a warning against calls for the Reserve Bank to lower the official cash rate (OCR) in a bid to weaken the New Zealand dollar.
Last week the New Zealand Manufacturers and Exporters Association called for the Reserve Bank to lower the OCR immediately to alleviate the strain of the NZ dollar's strength on exporters.
But today Westpac economists Brendan O'Donovan and Sharon Zollner said calls for a lower OCR to offset the exchange rate were misguided.
The relationship between the OCR and the currency appeared unstable, and it was not clear the New Zealand currency was overvalued, the economists said.
Rates below the current low 2.5 percent for the OCR would fuel the sources of economic recovery now unfolding, including higher net migration, increased residential construction, higher house prices, and consequently a potentially reinvigorated consumer.
That could potentially lead to a higher, not lower, currency, the Westpac economists said.
"It is useful to keep in mind that the currency is always where it is for a reason."
The NZ dollar's trade weighted index recently of 62.2, compared with an average of 60.8 since 1985 and 61.6 since 1995.
"It is very close to its average level even though NZ's terms of trade (pre the big August Fonterra auction) are 14 percent above their post-1995 average, and New Zealand's economy has come through the global downturn better than most," the economists said.
"The currency may well be telling us something. If the expected conditions that it is based on prove to be false, it will unwind of its own accord."
Monday, August 10, 2009
us Trade Foreign
Learn to Trade Foreign Currency - One Crumb at a Time
It requires diligence and discipline to learn to trade foreign currency. It doesn't matter whether you're a seasoned pro or after a beginner's forex trading training course. Currency trading is about having your finger on the pulse of the market, specializing in select relationships, and attacking the market ruthlessly and fearlessly when opportunity strikes. Sound like fun to you? Then read on.
Contents at a Glance
1. Why There is Always Opportunity to Make Money Trading Foreign Currency
2. In a Purely Logical World Currency Cross Rates Always Make Sense
3. Learning to Trade Foreign Currency
4. The Key to Learning to Trade Foreign Currency with Leverage
5. Automated Trading Programs Trade Currency Faster Than Us
6. Did You Learn about Trading Foreign Currency?
Contents at a Glance
1. Why There is Always Opportunity to Make Money Trading Foreign Currency
2. In a Purely Logical World Currency Cross Rates Always Make Sense
3. Learning to Trade Foreign Currency
4. The Key to Learning to Trade Foreign Currency with Leverage
5. Automated Trading Programs Trade Currency Faster Than Us
6. Did You Learn about Trading Foreign Currency?
7. Open a Trading Account Today
8. Books on Foreign Currency Trading
9. Forex Trading Blog
10. Other Day Trading Investment Tutorials
Why There is Always Opportunity to Make Money Trading Foreign Currency
Trading Currency Cross Rates Creates Momentary Arbitrage
Trading foreign currency may be a little confusing for the novice investor but hear me out and I'll try to make it more plain for you. Below is a chart detailing the relationships between three currencies (Yen, US Dollar, and Euro) from July of 2008 to July of 2009.
Learn more about foreign currency trading and forex binary options trading
In a Purely Logical World Currency Cross Rates Always Make Sense
Foreign Currencies Trade in Pairs Called Cross Rates
You'll note in the chart above that there appears to be some sort of synchonization between the movements of the values of the currencies. For example, when the Euro/Dollar cross rate is rising (dollar is strengthening), and the Yen/Dollar is flat, one would expect to see the Yen/Euro falling. That is precisely what we see going on in this chart. It's logical. One should not be able to sell a euro, buy a dollar, then sell the dollar and buy a Yen, only to sell the Yen immediately to buy 2 euros. That simply wouldn't make sense would it? How can anyone expect to sell one euro and then an instant later get 2 back (pardon the exaggeration here) without adding any value to the initial euro sold? It doesn't make sense does it? Well I can tell you it happens every - single - day.
Learning to Trade Foreign Currency
Chart 2: Implied Cross Rate vs. Actual Market Cross Rate
Take a look at a second, slightly different chart. We're still analyzing the cross rates between Yen, US Dollar, and Euro, only now we're only interested in the Actual Yen/Dollar rate, and the cross rate for the Yen/Dollar implied by the Yen/Euro and Euro/Dollar cross rates.
Learn how to open a foreign currency trading account and forex binary options trading account
What I've done here is plotted the implied Yen/Dollar cross rate (made by trading euros, dollars, and Yen) against just trading the dollar for Yen directly. There is virtually no different between the two, yet what are the large green spikes?
It requires diligence and discipline to learn to trade foreign currency. It doesn't matter whether you're a seasoned pro or after a beginner's forex trading training course. Currency trading is about having your finger on the pulse of the market, specializing in select relationships, and attacking the market ruthlessly and fearlessly when opportunity strikes. Sound like fun to you? Then read on.
Contents at a Glance
1. Why There is Always Opportunity to Make Money Trading Foreign Currency
2. In a Purely Logical World Currency Cross Rates Always Make Sense
3. Learning to Trade Foreign Currency
4. The Key to Learning to Trade Foreign Currency with Leverage
5. Automated Trading Programs Trade Currency Faster Than Us
6. Did You Learn about Trading Foreign Currency?
Contents at a Glance
1. Why There is Always Opportunity to Make Money Trading Foreign Currency
2. In a Purely Logical World Currency Cross Rates Always Make Sense
3. Learning to Trade Foreign Currency
4. The Key to Learning to Trade Foreign Currency with Leverage
5. Automated Trading Programs Trade Currency Faster Than Us
6. Did You Learn about Trading Foreign Currency?
7. Open a Trading Account Today
8. Books on Foreign Currency Trading
9. Forex Trading Blog
10. Other Day Trading Investment Tutorials
Why There is Always Opportunity to Make Money Trading Foreign Currency
Trading Currency Cross Rates Creates Momentary Arbitrage
Trading foreign currency may be a little confusing for the novice investor but hear me out and I'll try to make it more plain for you. Below is a chart detailing the relationships between three currencies (Yen, US Dollar, and Euro) from July of 2008 to July of 2009.
Learn more about foreign currency trading and forex binary options trading
In a Purely Logical World Currency Cross Rates Always Make Sense
Foreign Currencies Trade in Pairs Called Cross Rates
You'll note in the chart above that there appears to be some sort of synchonization between the movements of the values of the currencies. For example, when the Euro/Dollar cross rate is rising (dollar is strengthening), and the Yen/Dollar is flat, one would expect to see the Yen/Euro falling. That is precisely what we see going on in this chart. It's logical. One should not be able to sell a euro, buy a dollar, then sell the dollar and buy a Yen, only to sell the Yen immediately to buy 2 euros. That simply wouldn't make sense would it? How can anyone expect to sell one euro and then an instant later get 2 back (pardon the exaggeration here) without adding any value to the initial euro sold? It doesn't make sense does it? Well I can tell you it happens every - single - day.
Learning to Trade Foreign Currency
Chart 2: Implied Cross Rate vs. Actual Market Cross Rate
Take a look at a second, slightly different chart. We're still analyzing the cross rates between Yen, US Dollar, and Euro, only now we're only interested in the Actual Yen/Dollar rate, and the cross rate for the Yen/Dollar implied by the Yen/Euro and Euro/Dollar cross rates.
Learn how to open a foreign currency trading account and forex binary options trading account
What I've done here is plotted the implied Yen/Dollar cross rate (made by trading euros, dollars, and Yen) against just trading the dollar for Yen directly. There is virtually no different between the two, yet what are the large green spikes?
forex Banks
Banks slash dollar interest rates
Banks are slashing US dollar deposit and loan interest rates to solve stagnant capital movement and encourage business and investment, said a senior State Bank official.
A new US$ deposit interest rate ground is set up, when state-owned banks and Vietcombank officially lower US$ deposit interest rates to 1.5 percent per annum at the highest. (Photo: SGGP)
Since June 1, many banks, such as the Bank for Investment and Development (BIDV), the Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development(Agribank), the Bank for Industry and Trade(Vietinbank) have reduced dollar deposit and loan interest rates by 1.5 percent and three percent per year respectively, down by 0.4 to 0.6 percent compared with previous interest rates.
Vietcombank on June 1 adjusted rates, including a cut to 1.3 percent for six-month deposits, 1.4 percent for nine-month deposits and down to 1.5 percent for 12-month deposits. The bank also applied dollar deposit interest rates by 1.5 percent for more than 12-month deposits from June 9.
The bank began applying dollar loan interest rates at three percent for short term loans and four percent for medium and long term loans.
Some commercial banks have also adjusted dollar interest rates for savings and loans.
Dong A Commercial Bank applied dollar savings interest rates at 1.5 percent for nine and twelve month deposits from June 1.
At the beginning of June, the Vietnam Bank Association called for its members to slash dollar deposit and loan interest rates by 1.5 percent and three percent respectively.
The current average interest rates for dollar accounts are 1.24-2.65 percent and dollar loans of three to five percent.
Cuts to deposit and loan interest rates were positive for the foreign exchange market, as businesses were hesitant to borrow in dollars to avoid risks in exchange rate fluctuations. It has also helped to reduce speculation of the dollar.
At a Government meeting to discuss Vietnam’s foreign exchange market, the ministries of Finance, and Planning and Investment agreed that world economy shows sign of recovery.
Export and import demands have increased, but direct foreign investment is forecast to fall, causing problems for the domestic balance of payments.
The general secretary of the Vietnam Bank Association, Duong Thu Huong, said commercial banks should agree to slash foreign currency deposit and loans that are suitable to supply and demand.
Some export companies have received Government-backed subsidized loans, however, they did not pay banks back in dollars, with some companies just wanting to borrow dong, instead of dollars to avoid exchange rate fluctuations.
According to Dr. Tran Huy Hoang, dean of the Bank Department of the University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, companies are still hesitant to borrow dollars due to high lending interest rates and currency fluctuations.
Banks should decrease lending interest rates, as well as carry out measures to stabilize rates between the dollar and dong, he added.
Banks are slashing US dollar deposit and loan interest rates to solve stagnant capital movement and encourage business and investment, said a senior State Bank official.
A new US$ deposit interest rate ground is set up, when state-owned banks and Vietcombank officially lower US$ deposit interest rates to 1.5 percent per annum at the highest. (Photo: SGGP)
Since June 1, many banks, such as the Bank for Investment and Development (BIDV), the Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development(Agribank), the Bank for Industry and Trade(Vietinbank) have reduced dollar deposit and loan interest rates by 1.5 percent and three percent per year respectively, down by 0.4 to 0.6 percent compared with previous interest rates.
Vietcombank on June 1 adjusted rates, including a cut to 1.3 percent for six-month deposits, 1.4 percent for nine-month deposits and down to 1.5 percent for 12-month deposits. The bank also applied dollar deposit interest rates by 1.5 percent for more than 12-month deposits from June 9.
The bank began applying dollar loan interest rates at three percent for short term loans and four percent for medium and long term loans.
Some commercial banks have also adjusted dollar interest rates for savings and loans.
Dong A Commercial Bank applied dollar savings interest rates at 1.5 percent for nine and twelve month deposits from June 1.
At the beginning of June, the Vietnam Bank Association called for its members to slash dollar deposit and loan interest rates by 1.5 percent and three percent respectively.
The current average interest rates for dollar accounts are 1.24-2.65 percent and dollar loans of three to five percent.
Cuts to deposit and loan interest rates were positive for the foreign exchange market, as businesses were hesitant to borrow in dollars to avoid risks in exchange rate fluctuations. It has also helped to reduce speculation of the dollar.
At a Government meeting to discuss Vietnam’s foreign exchange market, the ministries of Finance, and Planning and Investment agreed that world economy shows sign of recovery.
Export and import demands have increased, but direct foreign investment is forecast to fall, causing problems for the domestic balance of payments.
The general secretary of the Vietnam Bank Association, Duong Thu Huong, said commercial banks should agree to slash foreign currency deposit and loans that are suitable to supply and demand.
Some export companies have received Government-backed subsidized loans, however, they did not pay banks back in dollars, with some companies just wanting to borrow dong, instead of dollars to avoid exchange rate fluctuations.
According to Dr. Tran Huy Hoang, dean of the Bank Department of the University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, companies are still hesitant to borrow dollars due to high lending interest rates and currency fluctuations.
Banks should decrease lending interest rates, as well as carry out measures to stabilize rates between the dollar and dong, he added.
Dollar rates
20th May 2009
Course Facilitator
(Trading Competition)
JF Lennon is launching a Trading Competition, known as the FOREX Ultimatum for all JFL Students.
We are aware that there are plenty of FOREX sharp shooters within our trading groups, and this is one fantastic opportunity to pit your trading skills against one another and WIN Exciting CASH prizes. Trade demo and WIN real CASH! Yes, real hard CASH rewards for our trading champions!
I. General Provisions
1. The FOREX ULTIMATUM is organized and sponsored exclusively by JF LENNON & ASSOCIATES PTE LTD
2. The period of the FOREX ULTIMATUM is 50 trading days. It officially starts on 1st June 2009 and ends on 7th August 2009.
3. The registration of the FOREX ULTIMATUM will commence on 21st May 2009 till 27th May 2009.
4. Prizes for the FOREX ULTIMATUM are as follows:
* Individual Category
Top prize S$ 888
10 other cash prizes for outstanding traders
* Team Category
First place – S$ 1,688
Second place – S$ 688
10 other cash prizes for outstanding group performance
5. The Organizer will provide demo accounts on which the Participants' of the FOREX ULTIMATUM will apply throughout the period of the competition.
6. All Participant operations will only be performed with only virtual money on demo accounts.
7. Registration Fee:
* Individual SGD$ 10
* Trading Team SGD$ 30
II. Participants
1. Only JF Lennon students and marketers are eligible for participation in FOREX ULTIMATUM.
2. You can register as an individual or as a team (from 4 to 8 people per team). For team registration, team leaders should submit a collective team trade journal and not team member trade journals. Format and styles of trade journals are up to the team members to decide.
3. No former or actual staff members of JF Lennon, or their family members or relatives, are eligible to participate.
4. The Participant agrees and undertakes to provide true information about himself or herself at registration. Incorrect registration details will result in disqualification.
5. The Participant can be registered only once.
6. The Participant agrees not to raise any financial or other claims against the Organizer or the Sponsors.
7. Organizers reserve the right to refuse registration to a Participant without showing cause and to disqualify him/her showing the cause.
8. Having registered for participation in the FOREX ULTIMATUM, each Participant expresses hereby his/her full agreement with these Rules without any exceptions or limitations.
III. Trading Terms
1. A special group of accounts on the MIG demo server will be used for the FOREX ULTIMATUM. The accounts will be provided by JF Lennon only.
2. The initial "virtual deposit" is defined as US$10 000, leverage 1:100. The deposit may not be topped up.
3. Any currencies pair can be used for trading during the FOREX ULTIMATUM.
4. The minimum trade size is 0.1 lot, the maximum trade size is not defined, however Participants should trade according to money management rules.
5. Maximum risk per trade 10% of account size.
6. The maximum amount of simultaneously opened positions and pending orders is 3.
IV. Publishing of Results
1. During the FOREX ULTIMATUM, the following will be published on weekly basis:
* all Participants' statements
* all Account Histories
2. Ratings and comparison tables are updated every week.
V. How the Winners Are Determined
1. After the FOREX ULTIMATUM is completed (2359 on the 7th August 2009, Singapore GMT+8 time), all positions will be forcedly closed.
2. The winner is not the one who will have the largest profit, but the one who will show the ability to make profit consistently.
3. The winner will be judged on the basis of:
1 Money Management 30%
2 Trade Journal 15%
3 Profit Factor 15%
4 Winning Ratio 15%
5 ROI 10%
6 Drawdown 10%
7 Equity Curve 5%
Total 100%
4. If none of Participants has a positive balance, no winner will be declared.
5. If two or more potential winners have equal balances, the final decision will be made by the judges.
6. The Winners must agree to the publication of winner’s names and surnames.
7. The Winners must agree to participate in publicity and marketing events (if any) conducted by JF Lennon, including interviewing, photo-reports, and public announcements through mass media about the events to be conducted.
8. The Winners will be awarded during second all JF Lennon students gathering on 14th August 2009.
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