The currency exchange rate is the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another. It is always quoted in pairs like the EUR/USD (the Euro and the US Dollar). Exchange rates fluctuate based on economic factors like inflation, industrial production and geopolitical events. These factors will influence whether you buy or sell a currency pair.
Example of a Forex Trade:
The EUR/USD rate represents the number of US Dollars one Euro can purchase. If you believe that the Euro will increase in value against the US Dollar, you will buy Euros with US Dollars. If the exchange rate rises, you will sell the Euros back, making a profit. Please keep in mind that forex trading involves a high risk of loss.
Forex is the world's largest market. With about 3.2 trillion US dollars in daily volume and 24-hour market action, we believe it is a true "step above" the equities market for the serious trader. Some key differences are:
- Many firms don't charge commissions – you pay only the bid/ask spreads.
- There's 24 hour trading – you dictate when to trade and how to trade.
- You can trade on leverage, but this can magnify potential gains and losses.
- You can focus on picking from a few currencies rather then from 5000 stocks.
- Forex is accessible – you don’t need a lot of money to get started.
You can start trading forex with as little as US $25 with FXCM - XE's prefered broker. Learn more
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